BEEF or BEEF JERKY Beef, along with chicken, is considered to be the most valuable dietary meat. The benefits of beef are its nutritional value - it is fast-nourished and well absorbed. Beef is one of the main suppliers of high quality protein for human consumption.
The quality of the beef depends on the age, type of feed, content and sex of the animal. Meat aging, ie the process of meat maturation, as well as the stress that animals experience before slaughter, also largely determine the quality of the meat.Beef contains 315-334 mg% potassium, 60-65 mg% sodium, 9-10 mg% calcium, 21-26 mg% magnesium, 198-210 mg% phosphorus, 2.6-2.8 mg% iron, vitamins Group B, PP. Low value collagen and elastin proteins in beef 2.6%.